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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I download eBooks on to my hand held device?In most cases, yes. This does depend on which operating system your hand held device is running however, as different eBook formats are compatible with different operating systems. This eBook is in PDF format.
Once I have purchased my ebook, will it always be available?Yes, once you have purchased the eBook is yours.
Do I need special software or hardware to read eBooks?All you need is your PC, laptop or hand held device and an eBook Reader. The eBooks are in PDF format to download.
What is your refund policy?Refunds will be given at the discretion of Alpine Dottea. For more information see our Refund Policy.
Can I print and copy my eBook?You can make copies for your own personal use. You may not transfer or distribute the copies you make to other people or put the files on servers where others can read or access this content. You may not edit the files, but you may view or print them for personal use only.
How do I get help if I have a problem?If you are not able to find a solution to your problem in the Help Centre, please email who will be happy to assist you and will always try to respond to your request within 24 hours.
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